We're excited to share with you a new Platform experience with a list of new features and capabilities!
Social Login Integrations - You can now log in by registering a username/password or via gSuite or Github accounts. More social integrations will be added soon!
Address Level Lookups - The 'Lookup' page now supports address level lookups for Geo level subscriptions.
New Billing Portal - A more advanced billing portal provides better control over your account billing info and functions.
Account Usage Data - A new and improved account usage data page will help to monitor your API key usage to avoid issues and outages.
Support for Multiple API Keys - A new 'workspace' switcher allows switching the entire Platform workspace between all registered API keys.
How can I access the Platform?? - Simply visit https://platform.zip.tax create a new login with your registered email address to get started!
We will be developing and launching new features often. If you have ideas, please send them to us via support@zip.tax. Thank you!
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